Exit Survey

Exit surveys are an important tool in your employee engagement tool kit. ModernThink’s research shows that highly engaged faculty and staff stay with organizations and are more productive. But when employees leave, it’s important to find out why and ensure their feedback is considered when making strategic improvements.

Employees leave institutions for a number of reasons, and all should be treated with dignity and respect. Like your alumni, former employees are ambassadors of your institutional brand. A cordial separation process and a well-crafted exit survey speak volumes about your HR practices.

The unique feature of the ModernThink Exit Survey is the ability to compare exit survey results with results from the ModernThink Higher Education Insight Survey©, the nationally
normed and recognized instrument behind the Great Colleges to Work For© program. This provides an invaluable gap analysis between those who leave and those who stay and can help you focus resources most appropriately when working to attract and retain top talent.

The ModernThink Exit Survey©, specifically designed for Higher Education survey audiences, is based on the same methodology behind the ModernThink Higher Education Insight
Survey©. We focus on ten (10) core dimensions that reflect key facets of the employee experience including leadership, managerial and organizational competencies.

Survey themes include:

ModernThink creates a customized online administrative portal, in which your staff will enter the e-mail addresses of employees separating from your institution in addition to other
information. The interface is simple and fast. We work closely with your team to decide what information to capture for each employee.

Our system sends a series of four exit survey invitations to each email address over the course of about two months, in accordance with a schedule determined by the project team. From the date the first email is sent, survey recipients have 12 months to access the survey and submit responses before the survey is closed to them. This timeframe can also be customized to meet your institution’s needs. Once the survey recipient responds, no further surveys are sent.

Through the administrative portal, an institution has access to the ModernThink Report Gateway. The response data will be updated in real time as survey recipients complete and submit their surveys. The ModernThink Higher Education Exit Survey© allows an institution to benchmark against its own responses to the ModernThink Higher Education Insight Survey® completed as part of the Great Colleges to Work For® program. Thirty-eight (38) of the statements within the ModernThink Higher Education Exit Survey© map
directly to statements from the ModernThink Higher Education Insight Survey. The benchmark integration in the gateway provides an excellent opportunity to conduct a gap analysis, compare specific statements, review data by individual demographic and gain better understanding of the difference between those leaving the institution and those staying.

It’s hard to review your data and make meaningful decisions if those sending exit surveys within the institution are not strategically aligned. Utilizing the ModernThink Higher Education Exit Survey© means that even if the task of sending an exit survey is not centralized, everyone on campus can use the same tool and speak the same language when reviewing results.

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