Student Insight Survey

Institutions distinguish themselves in the marketplace and ultimately demonstrate value to students, parents and accreditation bodies through their student experiences and outcomes. ModernThink has a variety of student survey and assessment tools that your institution can customize to meet its unique needs.

The ModernThink Higher Education Student Insight Survey© is designed to complement the ModernThink Higher Education Insight Survey© for faculty and staff and create a
360-degree view of a campus culture. Our student survey results are used to strengthen and improve relationships on campus, build a connection to the university’s mission and goals, surface risk management issues, highlight what about your institution’s culture gives students a sense of belonging, and in doing so, enhance students’ likelihood of academic success.
Staff interaction is, in most cases, the first experience students have on campus, so gathering student perceptions of staff, as well as faculty, is important.

The ModernThink Higher Education Student Insight Survey© mirror the themes of the faculty and staff engagement survey and is often deployed alongside the faculty and staff
engagement survey. Upon the completion of the surveys, reports display side-by-side comparisons of both results.

Survey themes include:
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